PlayStation Games
Switch Games
PlayStation 3 Games
4K Ultra HD Movies
Hong Kong Version Blu-Rays
Hong Kong Version DVDs
US & UK Version Blu-Rays

Region Coding: Region A (Locked)
Babyjohn Choi 蔡瀚億
Lin Min Chen 林明禎
Chin Siu Ho 錢小豪
Susan Shaw Yam Yam 邵音音
Richard Ng 吳耀漢
Law Mong 羅莽
Bondy Chiu 趙學而
Yuen Cheung Yan 袁祥仁
Anthony Yan 甄栢榮, Hang Chiu 趙善恆
Audio Tracks:
Dolby TrueHD Advanced 96k upsampling, Dolby Digital EX
Cantonese 粵語, Mandarin 國語
English, Traditional Chinese 繁體中文字幕, Simplified Chinese 簡體中文字幕
Running Time:
- minutes (TBA)
Panorama (HK)
Release Date:
23 June 2017
Vampire has been haunting in Hong Kong for centuries. Hiding in this city, there is an official special action unit coping with the vampire Vampire Cleanup Department (VCD).
The street cleaners in midnight are the vampire hunters. Giant garbage bins contain the captured vampire. The ordinary garbage station is their secret headquarter!
A nerdy geek Tim Cheung (BabyJohn Choi) is accidentally rescued by VCD. The department advisor Uncle Chung (Ng Yiu-Hon) discovers his immunity against the vampire toxin.
Owing to his unlimited potential, Team Captain Chau (Chin Siu-Ho), Magic Maoshantaoist Ginger (Yuen Cheung-Yan), technical support specialist M (Bondy Chiu), weapon expert Kui (Law Mon) teach him all their knowledge and skills, in order to turn him into the next Vampire Hunter!
However, in an action, Tim feels sympathy for a pretty lady vampire called Summer, he violates the command and lives with her, which trigger the attack from the Vampire King….
殭屍自古以來一直都存在,你我沒有遇見只因這城市隱藏著一個捉殭屍的秘密部門——食環署秘密行動組,簡稱VCD。半夜掃街的清道夫其實是殭屍獵人,巨大的垃圾桶裡藏著剛收伏的殭屍,旁人避而遠之的垃圾房……正正就 是他們的秘密基地!
主角張春天 (蔡瀚億 飾) 是香港土生土長的廢青,與撿紙皮為生的嫲嫲 (邵音音 飾) 相依為命,偶然機會下他成為VCD新成員:學習殭屍種類,訓練武藝 ,更要用掃把殺殭屍!第一次行動,張春天遇見死去過百年的屍王和他的陪葬品小夏 (林明禎 飾)。張春天被小夏咬得半死,然而兩人的生命卻發生了奇 妙的變化……女殭屍竟然流下眼淚! 一個要捉殭屍的人,卻愛上一隻可愛女殭屍。張春天能加入部門,背後又隱 藏著什麼秘密?是使命,還是愛情,到底阿天最終能否成為救殭清道夫?
movie trailer (English subtitled)