We Are Legends 入鐵籠 Blu-ray (2019) (Region A) (English Subtitled)

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We Are Legends 入鐵籠 Blu-ray (2019) (Region A) (English Subtitled)

Region Coding: Region A (Locked)

Lam Yiu Sing 林耀聲
Edward Ma 馬志威
Wiyona Yeung 楊柳青
Eric Kot 葛民輝
Yuen Qiu 元秋
Lisa Cheng 鄭麗莎
Chau Yan Ting 周殷廷

Daniel Chan 陳翊恆

Audio Tracks: 

Dolby TrueHD Advanved 96k upsampling


Original Soundtrack 電影原聲 (mainly in Cantonese 粵語, part-of English), Original Soundtrack 電影原聲 (mainly in Mandarin 國語, part-of English)

English, Traditional Chinese 繁體中文字幕

Running Time: 
109 minutes

Panorama (HK)

Release Date:
19 July 2019

Orphaned brothers Jack and Rabbit grow up in a martial arts club. Jack supports Rabbit’s study but cut ties with him after Rabbit is caught for fighting underground and gets kicked out of school. Rabbit goes viral on the internet with videos of how he speedily knock out his opponents, and is referred to as the King of Street Fights. Jack devotes himself into training and fighting in numerous competitions, setting a record of 59 wins. However, he is defeated at his first professional MMA fight while his opponent Jason humiliates his teacher and martial arts club on stage. To avenge for his brother, Rabbit challenges Jason for a fight…

哥哥「招積」(馬志威 飾)和弟弟「電兔」(林耀聲 飾)在孤兒院長大,經院內工友「雷Sir」(葛民輝 飾)領養並得到「雷師母」(元秋 飾)的幫忙,入住鄉村拳館。 招積一直供養弟弟讀書,但電兔因打地下拳賺錢被開除學籍,兩兄弟亦從此反目成仇。後來,電兔極速擊敗對手的片段在網上廣泛流傳,而被封為「爛仔交王」,成為網絡紅人。另一方面,招積仍然每天勤奮練拳,並參加各大小型比賽,打出49場不敗之驕人記錄,但壯志未酬,他竟然在首場綜合格鬥(MMA)職業拳賽中,在20秒內被對手陳樂風打敗,陳樂風更在台上侮辱雷師母及其拳館。因此,電兔為雪哥哥之恥,決心挑戰陳樂風……

movie trailer (English subtitled)
Product Images (click to enlarge)
  • We Are Legends 入鐵籠 Blu-ray (2019) (Region A) (English Subtitled)

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