PlayStation Games
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Hong Kong Version Blu-Rays
Hong Kong Version DVDs
US & UK Version Blu-Rays
Region Coding: Region 3 (Locked)
Toshimitsu Deyama
Tomoaki Ishizuka
Hiroshi Morie
Stephen Kijak
Audio Tracks:
Dolby Digital 5.1 EX Surround
Original Soundtrack 電影原聲
English, Traditional Chinese 繁體中文字幕
Running Time:
- minutes (TBA)
Passion Pictures (2016)
Edko Films Ltd. (HK)
Release Date:
15 Nov 2017
X JAPAN was formed by childhood friends, YOSHIKI and TOSHI, who ignited a musical revolution in Japan during the late 80’s with their melodic metal and flamboyant fashion. With more than 30 million albums sold worldwide, X is the most successful rock band in Japanese history. However, their success never translated to the West, despite influencing many popular American bands. In the fall of 1997, at the height of their success, X broke up - devastating millions of fans and leaving enigmatic leader YOSHIKI to battle physical and spiritual demons in a solitary campaign to bring their music to the world. Almost twenty years after the tragedy-fueled split, the band prepares to reunite for a show at the legendary Madison Square Garden while struggling to reconcile a haunted past with the insatiable thirst for perfection that has made them legendary. “We Are X” is the story of the most influential band in the world that you’ve never heard of… yet.
不認識X Japan, 不算認識Japan。 X Japan開創Visual Kei(視覺系),融合古典樂和重金屬,以魂斷式演出和妖魔妝服把搖滾進化至表演藝術,衝擊日本保守社會,影響東西方樂壇至今。1982年成團以來,從地下異端者反攻主流,幾年後站上巔峰,進軍美國鎩羽而歸;1997年因主音Toshi遭邪教洗腦而沉痛解散、幾個月後結他手hide離奇死亡,舉國崩潰。十年後X Japan 復活,Luna Sea的Sugizo加入,再有前成員Taiji自殺,經歷超過偉大樂隊能承受的極限。狂呼搖滾不死,主將Yoshiki追憶往事,幾度落淚,又憧憬新一輪的世界巡迴,他親自為紀錄片配樂,淒美得像一部黑暗史,也是反死亡的新生書。
Documentary trailer (Chinese subtitle)