Yellowing 亂世備忘 Blu-ray (Region Free) (Hong Kong Version) aka Deštníková revoluce

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Yellowing 亂世備忘 Blu-ray (Region Free) (Hong Kong Version) aka Deštníková revoluce

Region Coding: Region Free

Chan Tze Woon 陳梓桓

Audio Tracks: 

Dolby Digital

Cantonese 粵語

English, Traditional Chinese 繁體中文字幕

Running Time: 
128 minutes

YEC (2016)

Kam & Ronson Enterprise Co., Ltd. (HK)

Release Date:
16 July 2018

The Hong Kong protests of 2014 known as the “Umbrella Revolution” were an expression of some people’s dissatisfaction with the restrictive interventions in local affairs by the Chinese government. The protestors, primarily young people, rejected the limitations on local autonomy made by the communist government. In his first-person participant documentary, director Tze-woon Chan and his hand-held camera become a part of events in the island city. Over the course of 20 chapters (or “memos”), the film’s young protagonists express their feelings and views of the revolution whose cruel historical momentum rolled right over them.

“Hearts might change before China’s assumed complete takeover. But I made Yellowing to document the Umbrella Movement, in the hope that our initial intent and belief might be remembered and be reminded of.”

2014年秋冬, 香港 -

數萬人佔領街道,以公民打抗命的方式爭取民主,最終演變成長達七十九 天的雨傘運動。運動充滿希望地開始,冷清地結束,香港人沒有爭取到民 主寸進,但中間我們經歷了什麼呢?這是數個青年人參與抗爭的故事。當 日的理想與勇氣,將是我們繼續堅持下去的備忘。

movie trailer (English subtitled)

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  • Yellowing 亂世備忘 Blu-ray (Region Free) (Hong Kong Version) aka Deštníková revoluce

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